The Wonders of Hot Water

Did you know that drinking cold drinks or even cold water after meals is not good for health,
because it will solidify the oil in the food that you had.
The oil solidified will react as a acid and absorbed by the intestine very slowly.
This increases the bad cholesterol level in the body.
In the long run it is prone to create cancer.
Now you can co-relate why Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meal.
Next time while having a meals grab a cup of hot green tea or at least a cup of warm water.

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You can blame this disease on a number of factors - including family and history and environment - but not on your temperament, according to a new research from the Danish Cancer Society. In a study of nearly 30,000 people over 25 years, researchers found no link between personality and risk of cancer wether individuals were outgoing or introverted, bottled up their emotions or let them out, made no difference. (The scientists studied both fraternal and identical twins because of their shared upbringing and genes.) So what about earlier studies suggesting a shared connection? They were smaller, researchers say, and may not have taken into account other health risks.

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