It has been a terrible week for us. There has been a huge thunderstorm since earlier this week and it immobalized us. We can't go anywhere because the roads are flooded. I actually have an appointment for to go to the dentist munich because of my aching wisdom tooth. Have already made an appointment with a dentist for dental implant and is scheduled for an operation today but because of the weather condition, it was cancelled. This wisdom tooth really is a pain in the butt because for a month an a half now, I've been tortured with sporadic gum and tooth ache. Good thing, my dentist with anesthesia texted me and told me that if I can't go to the clinic on my scheduled time, he could just reschedule my appointment. It's nice to have a classmate/dentist around. Hopefully I could endure this pain till next appointment and I hope this rain would stop real soon.