Up at this point I’m still searching for that perfect formula that will let me lose weight. Getting the right shape has been my challenge for the past years. I’ve tried a lot of diets in I can find over the net but non can give me what I want. I don’t know if it’s just me or I am doing something wrong or maybe I just need to do something else. Having that in mind, I opened m y computer and started searching for things that might work for me.
For the past ten years, I’ve been struggling to lose weight. I’ve tried all the products available in the market and even tried subscribing to a gym facility but to no avail. A friend told me that eating oatmeal twice a day would definitely help me lose those extra pounds. As I search the net, I stumble across this page that informs the benefits of eating oatmeal. According to the article oatmeal contains some certain soluble fiber that helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in our blood stream. While it lowers the cholesterol in the body, it reduces the risk of heart problems and promotes healthy skin. One thing that catches my attention was the weight loss benefit. Oatmeal is rich in fiber which is the key for boosting your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate that your body burns calories.
To be quite honest, I am not a fan of oatmeal. I really don’t like the taste and the texture. For me, it’s like a vomit in a bowl. Yeah I know that’s gross but that’s how I see it . I told my friend about my issue with oats and I’m quite relieved when she said she feels the same way with oats before. But when she started taking some delicious protein shakes and protein bars and started losing weight which kind’a motivated her to try taking some other form of slimming food such as oats. She encouraged me to do the same and now I’m excited to try it out. I could attest on how she managed to lose a lot of weight because of eating those kinds of food which doesn’t only promote weight reduction but is also good for the health. Wish me luck!
Weight Reduction Plan
All About Pregnancy
What is pregnancy? Pregnancy is a state wherein a woman carries a fetus in her uterus. There are a lot of symptoms to know if a woman is pregnant and one of those is delayed menstruation. There are three stages of pregnancy such as First, Second and Third Trimester.
First trimester that starts from week 1- week12 is the stage wherein the body undergoes many changes that can affect every organ system in the body. You will notice that the menstruation period stop, your breast will become tender and swollen, nausea, always urinating and sometimes constipation. Also, sometimes you might experience heartburn. Usually you will gain weight but it depends because some women they loss weight in their pregnancy.
Second trimester starts from week 13- week 28. During this stage the nausea and frequent throwing up will be lessen but you will get body aches, stretch marks and swelling of the ankles.
The last part of pregnancy is the Third trimester that starts from week 29 – week 40. This is the time wherein you’ll be excited and getting ready for the baby to come out. This stage will challenge you physically and emotionally. As the baby grows his moves and size will become more obvious. So make sure to stay positive in any aspect to ensure that you will deliver a healthy and normal baby.
- by ann
Exchange Gift
It's only been one month since my sister's family visited us from Singapore where she works but we are already missing them so much. We had been hanging out together almost eveyday for the whole week and I terribly miss our bonding moments. Well, I guess I need to get over it since it would take them another year to come visit us again. I can't do anything about it anyway.
Before their vacation, my sister asked me what I want as a gift since she wasn't able to give me a birthday gift last time. I got excited and thought of asking for a perfume, but I thought of fixing my hair issues first before anything else. So I asked her to buy me a product that would fix my dry frizzy hair. She wants me to tell her the exact product but I don't have any in mind, instead, asked her to find one for me. She then later gave me a bottle of terax crema - a conditioner that promises to revitalize stressed hair.I've tried it for the whole week after I shampoo my hair and to my surprise, my split ends were gone. My hair became healthier and bouncier. It's indeed the best hair conditioner I've tried so far as I've seen immediate results.
I was so happy that I have bought a hair flat iron for her from an online store that sells the best flat irons there is - I should know, I own one! The site sells hair products and offers free shipping. So I immediately ordered a week after they came back to Singapore and said she was surprised getting an unexpected package. She immediately called me up and thanked me for my good gesture. I'm happy she likes it. I would definitely miss her and her generosity to me and my hubby.