
Since our cable has been installed, I've been addicted to watching true to life stories at BIO. One of my most watched program is "Intervention". It is a television series wherein people are being profiled according to their dependence on drugs and alcohol or other compulsive behavior that has brought them to a point of personal crisis. Help is provided through what they call sober coach and hopes to finally help them get out of addiction. One of my favorite episodes is about a 20 year old girl who is a heroine addict. She constantly blames her mother for what happened to her life. She felt as if the one thing that triggered her rebellion that led to drug addiction is when her mom divorced her dad. The girl used to be a cheerleader and an A student during her high school year but since the divorce of her parents…she lived a different life. What’s good about this is that she recognize that she is an addict and realizes that she needs to change her way of life to be able to be free from heroine. She is very cooperative with her sober coach and had only one condition, to not let her mom participate in the healing process. She had so much anger and it is one of the reasons why she can’t move forward in her life. She agreed to get into a program that will require her to be under the supervision of a Northern California drug rehab center. After a couple of months, she was free from her addiction and was able to finally forgive her mother. She is now ready to go back to school and continue with her college education. I really get inspired by those individuals who choose to improve their lives and realizes the value of family. I hope to be able to watch more inspiring stories such as this one.

1 comment:

Baby Games said...

Great post!thanks for your sharing.