Eat Right – 20 Tips : Wash That Big Mac

Healthy Tips: PART 3

When the waitress asks what you want to drink, always say iced tea. The more we learn about tea, the more healthful it looks. A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (news – web sites) study found that a serving of black tea had more antioxidants – crucial to your body’s defense against heart disease, cancer, and even wrinkles – than a serving of broccoli or carrots.

Have an afternoon snack every day at 3 o ‘ clock. A nutritional boost between lunch and dinner wards off fatigue and keeps you from overindulging later, says Keith Ayoob. Ed.D..R.D., director of the nutrition clinic at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine’s Rose F. Kennedy Center. Just don’t scarf down a candy bar. Try yogurt and fruit, crackers and cheese, or an egg (hard-boiled), an apple, and a thirsty-quencher like bottled water. All of these foods will give you long-lasting energy.

Always leave the skin on your fruit. If you peel apples or pears, you’re throwing away heavy-duty nutrients and fiber. Same goes for potatoes. Go ahead and peel oranges, but leave as much of the the white stem that runs up the middle.

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