Determined To Lose Weight

We just had our annual physical exam and as expected - I again was diagnosed with obesity. At 180 pounds and 5 feet in height, I really can't deny the fact that there is indeed a serious risk in my health. I know that having this weight would increase my risk of having diabetes, heart disease and high blood. I know that I need to do some serious change in my lifestyle and I am willing to do what it takes to lose these extra 50 pounds off my weight. I also would like to buy a Herbalife chocolate shake as a food supplement. I guess I need to have all the determination I could get. At the age of 30, I know it would not be easy for me. But I still am willing to do everything to have my life back. I want to wear fashionable clothes again and I want to do things I used to do when I am still at 130 pounds. Will let you know what's going on in these weight reduction scheme of mine. Wish me luck!

If you're blessed, buy me a cup of frap!

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