My Lazyness and Weight Loss Plan

I don’t know if I can still manage to lose some weight. Lately, I’ve realized how lazy I could get. After my shift, I would come and eat lunch which my hubby prepared for me. I would eat two to three cups of rice and after eating, I would rest for a while, about 30 minutes and would lay down in front of the television while eating my favorite chips. After about two hours, I would go inside our room and would lay down in our couch and read a book which will eat up another thirty minutes of my time and only after that would I sleep in preparation for my night shift. After around six to seven hours or uninterrupted sleep, I would take a shower, eat dinner which by the way was again prepared by my better half. I would then prepare for my shift and will ride a taxi on my way to the office, I prefer riding a cab as compared to riding a bus as the latter would require me to walk for ten minutes before I could reach the office. I don’t know why I feel so tired and lazy all the time, maybe it’s because of the very hot temperature in the metro nowadays. I don’t really have any physical activities so I am putting my fate to the Herbalife supplement I purchased from a friend last week. She told me that Herbalife products are really effective and I believed her immediately as I am a witness on how fast she became slim after drinking those supplements. I know I also need to do my part to lose these extra pounds, I guess I would join my friends in their gym enrollment next week.

If you're blessed, buy me a cup of frap!

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